We’re a bunch of blokes having a chat over a brew & biscuit.

How it works

1. Come along to a Meeting
Our group meets weekly in a relaxed, welcoming setting. Meetings are informal, and there’s no pressure to share if you’re not ready.

2. Share or Listen
Each session offers the opportunity for members to share their thoughts, or simply listen if they prefer. You can speak openly about what’s on your mind or just be present in the space.

3. Support and Connection
Over time, you’ll build meaningful connections and friendships with other men who understand your struggles. We offer support, empathy, and encouragement to help each other navigate mental health challenges.

4. Build Resilience Together
As you engage with the group, you’ll develop coping strategies, emotional resilience, and a sense of belonging that can help you in your daily life.

Get involved

Come and Meet us
Ready to take the first step? Joining is easy! Whether you’re new to talking about mental health or simply looking for a community, you’re welcome here. Click here for details of our next session.

Volunteer Opportunities
We’re always looking for volunteers who are passionate about mental health. Whether you have experience in mental health support or just want to help, we’d love to hear from you.

By fostering a space for open dialogue and understanding, we can redefine how men approach wellbeing. Join us today to begin your journey toward feeling better and living well.

You may have faced societal pressures that discourage you from talking about your feelings. From an early age, many men are conditioned to associate vulnerability with weakness and are taught to suppress their emotions, maintaining a stoic facade in the face of adversity. This cultural expectation to “man up” can make it difficult for men to express their feelings, even when they are struggling with overwhelming stress, anxiety, or depression. As a result, many men internalise their emotions, which can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, and helplessness.

MENTALK aims to break down these barriers by creating a supportive environment where men feel safe to share their thoughts and experiences without fear of judgment. Our goal is to challenge the outdated stereotypes that prevent men from seeking help and to encourage open dialogue about mental and physical health. By offering a space that is free from stigma, we empower you to connect with others who truly understand the unique struggles you face.

In our group, we believe that talking is the first step toward healing. Sharing personal experiences not only helps you to process your own emotions, but also reminds you that you are not alone in these struggles. Through these conversations, men can build strong, supportive connections and friendships with others who may be facing similar challenges, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. This openness helps men develop emotional resilience, gain new perspectives, and ultimately take control of their mental health.  This in turn encourages an active attitude towards physical health and fitness.  By normalizing these discussions, we are helping to redefine what it means to be strong, showing that real strength comes from honesty, vulnerability, and a willingness to seek support when needed.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to provide a supportive community for men to openly discuss their mental health. We believe that every man deserves to be heard, and our group offers a space for honest and open conversations about emotions, struggles, and mental well-being.




I didn’t realize how much I needed a space like this until I joined. Talking with other men who understood my struggles helped me feel less alone.



The group has given me a way to open up without fear of judgment. It’s made a big difference in how I look at life's challenges now.



I was in a bad place, and couldn't see a way through.  The group helped me find a new perspective.